The media interest for the FoodLoop was enormous. A film team accompanies the construction and 350 journalists were at the press conference. In 2012, the FoodLoop was awarded with the THEA Award, the international Oscar for the industry of amusement parks.
The FoodLoop enabled HeineMack to make a further step in the development of the HeineMack restaurant system. The following innovations were implemented at FoodLoop:
1. Loops
Meals and beverages are transported by a loop the first time worldwide. The local conditions at EUROPA-PARK were perfect for the implementation of two loops. After the meals and beverages are transported by lifts to the necessary height, they fall down with high speed into the loop, pass it and glide smoothly to the guest tables. Since September 2011, there is also a loop at `s Baggers in Nuremberg.
2. Lifting conveyer and dispatch area
The restaurant FoodLoop which is located in 20m high building has two storeys. The kitchen is located in the lower storey. That’s why a special lifting conveyer was developed for FoodLoop to transport meals and beverages up to a dispatch area in the upper storey. From there, meals and beverages are put partly directly onto the tracks and partly into lifts. The lifts at FoodLoop are up to 9,50 meters high.
Quick Facts:
Worldwide fist LOOPINGRESTAURANT® at the EUROPA-Park®
in Rust -
Opening: April 2011
6 Liftsystems at the first floor
2 transport conveyor from the kitchen to the dispatch area
2 loops
195 seats
In April 2011, the RollercoasterRestaurant FoodLoop opened at Germany’s biggest amusement park, at the EUROPA-PARK in Rust. At FoodLoop, the meals and beverages go by loops to the guests the first time all over the world.The RollercoasterRestaurant FoodLoop has about 195 seats. Each seat is used up to 7 times a day. FoodLoop's power of attraction is enormous. Guests must wait up to 90 minutes in up to 70 meters lines in front of the restaurant. The level of interest remains high, also one year after opening. The restaurant software of `s Baggers and Schwerelos & Zeitlos is used in FoodLoop, too: the guests get a RFID restaurant card at the entrance. All orders are booked on this restaurant card. After the restaurant visit, the guests must pay the total amount at the exit counter. During the visit the guests order by touch screen on which they can see the whole menu in writing and in pictures.