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Licensing & Franchise

Note: HeineMack applied for patent in all blue coloured countries 

HeineMack is looking for licensees and franchisees worldwide. The cost for building, equipment and operation of the ROLLERCOASTERRESTAURANT® are to pay by the licensee or franchisee. The target regions are A-rated locations in cities with 100.000 habitants and more worldwide.


The licensing is based on the use of the patented HeineMack-technology of ROLLERCOASTERRESTAURANT® . HeineMack charges a monthly license fee of 3% of the net turnover for the use of the HeineMack patent. Additionally a maintenance contract is to agree. The monthly fee of the maintenance contact varies depending on the country and the distance. 


The franchise is currently under construction. The main difference to licensing is that – additionally to the license for the use of HeineMack-technology – meals, beverages, menu and marketing are provided by a franchise company of HeineMack. For that, HeineMack charges a franchise fee of 5% of the net turnover, in addition to the license fee and the maintenance contract. If you want to learn more about the franchise, please contact us.


In addition to licensing and franchise, HeineMack offers exclusivity agreements for regions, cities and countries. An exclusivity agreement is a territorial protection which grants the licensee or franchisee a regional monopoly for RollercoasterRestaurants. Exclusivity agreements are negotiated individually.

Exclusivities are also granted in countries without patent.


Generally, HeineMack uses special restaurant software in RollercoasterRestaurants. HeineMack offers its own software for the use in RollercoasterRestaurants. You can individually choose, if you want to have our software, your own software, the software of another manufacturer or no software in your ROLLERCOASTERRESTAURANT®

HeineMack® GmbH - Restaurantsysteme © 2014

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